Monday, September 10, 2012

A country I'd like to visit

Today I'm going to talk about a country called Argentina. Actually I don't know well why I want go to Argentina but I'd like to visit because my paternal grandparent Atilio Salas was argentinian. 

He left the country in the decade of 60' to search a better job in a neighboring country and he found the love and also improved his economical situation.

Furthermore, Argentina strikes me because the people say that the country is very cute and therefore strikes me. Argentina have big monuments to visit and also have beautiful landscapes, with the famous argentinian pampas.

Currently, my girlfriend traveled to Argentina and she told me that the country is very beautiful, she knew the big monument in the center of the city Buenos Aires, called "Obelisco" and also she told me that there is a town called "Caminito", where live the culture of the country, with dance and music. Is a turistic town where listening and dancing tango, with the passion argentinian.

In conclusion, the country must be a great place rich in culture and beautiful places.