Friday, June 29, 2012

We save the planet!

1.- What's your carbon footprint?

My carbon footprint is over bus and this footprint is of 0,01 tonnes of CO2.

2.- What’s the average carbon footprint of a person?

The average of carbon foot print of a person is of 0,33 tonnes of CO2.

3.- Hand washing dishes can use up to _50_ % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.

4.- Only about _8_ % of global energy comes from renewables.

5.- True or false? Appliances that are turned off don’t use any electricity.

6.- Can you make paper out of hemp?

7.- Watch the video and choose the best 3 tips in your opinion.

a) Separate aluminum cans and objects of this material from other waste for do a better job of recycling.

b) Plastic bottles should be crushed to save space and then recycled.

c) Occupy the least amount of plastic packages or plastic bags for food, can be carried Single and help the planet.

Ignacio Martín-Baró: a revolutionist.

One of the people I admire in my career, psychology, is Ignacio Martín-Baró, but who is he? Or what he has done in psychology? 

Well, Martín-Baró was born in Spain but he lived most of his years in El Salvador. He was a psycholgist and Jesuit priest who spent most of his work to the investigation of the difficult political and social realities of El Salvador and throughout Latin America. He died murdered by the armed forces of their country because of the ideas that had.

He proposed and defended the thesis that psychology should study the social and historical conditions of the territory where it is develop with the aspirations of the people residing in it. He believed that psychology students should learn to analyze human behavior in the specific contexts in wich scenarios developed and not artificial contexts.

I like because he fought for human rights, equality and social justice in Latin America, creating a new vision in social psychology. Also died for their ideas, wich makes him a martyr in the discipline.

Friday, June 1, 2012

A book for the life!

When I was 7 years old, I began to read books of the library of my parents because my mother forced me to read, but she found a big surprise because I really liked. My first book was "Papelucho" and I liked the funny story of the child. From the time that my mother forced me to read, I didn't stop with other books, and currently I read every day.

Today I have 20 years old and I have read around 100 books, some are science fiction, fantasy, magical, magical realism, dreamlike, psychological, and philosophical, among others. I like to read are the books about psychological problems and show different ways of living, books that make me feel and think about their topics. If we speak of authors, I really like Miguel de Unamuno; I never forget what he made me feel with his book "San Manuel Bueno, mártir". I like this book because it shows the tragic sense of life, a frequent feelings at the time in wich we live and therefore is why I feel so understood by the book.

Recently, I haven't read any novel but I am reading articles and books for university, so I keep reading throughout the year and I love it!