Friday, June 1, 2012

A book for the life!

When I was 7 years old, I began to read books of the library of my parents because my mother forced me to read, but she found a big surprise because I really liked. My first book was "Papelucho" and I liked the funny story of the child. From the time that my mother forced me to read, I didn't stop with other books, and currently I read every day.

Today I have 20 years old and I have read around 100 books, some are science fiction, fantasy, magical, magical realism, dreamlike, psychological, and philosophical, among others. I like to read are the books about psychological problems and show different ways of living, books that make me feel and think about their topics. If we speak of authors, I really like Miguel de Unamuno; I never forget what he made me feel with his book "San Manuel Bueno, mártir". I like this book because it shows the tragic sense of life, a frequent feelings at the time in wich we live and therefore is why I feel so understood by the book.

Recently, I haven't read any novel but I am reading articles and books for university, so I keep reading throughout the year and I love it! 

1 comment:

  1. I like "Niebla" by Miguel de Unamuno! I think he's a great writer but it's not my favorite kind of writing, I prefer books less depressed jaja.

    I love you <3
