Friday, April 27, 2012

Music is life!

One of the every pieces of technology that I like is the mp3. It's a portable music player, a very small thing that follows me everywhere and all the time, but, why I like so much this small device?

Well, to start, the music has always been a topic very important for me. The first music player that gave me was a "discman" in the year 2007, but it was big so I didn't use much. The gift was much better when I bought a mp3 in the year 2008, it was a small device that could keep anywhere and also could hear the best music everywhere!

Currently, I use my mp3 in all places but I use it more when I travel from home to university, I like go to sit on the bus while listen rap and think about the people of the world. Sometimes I use it all day, on the bus, in classrooms, streets, etc.. I love the music and therefore my mp3, I don´t know what I would do without my mp3, I think that life would lose it colour. 

To end, I can say that small device calling mp3 is the best invention of man and so my favourite piece of technology. I leave a picture on my blog to be seen.
See you soon, goodbye.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

My favorite singer

Today I’m going to talk about my favorite singer. His name is Tempo.

The truth name of Tempo is David Sánchez Badillo. Tempo is a singer of rap who was born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, in 1979. At the age of five years he moved to New York and at the age of eleven years began his musical career writing his first songs. He participated in many competitions and won many trophies with his music, which led him to record two albums, one in 1999 under the name “Game Over” and the second in 2000 under the name “New Game”.

The songs of Tempo are very good because they talk about the reality of the poor people, showing the social problems that lead to that we coexist with drug trafficking, violence, weapons, drugs, etc.; and as the government and police controls us and watching us. Tempo social criticizes the system from the view point of the poor, who suffer every day the problems mentioned, and that is why I like both songs.

In 2002, he was arrested and imprisoned for "drug trafficking", assembly of the authorities because their words are dangerous to the social order. Among the evidence presented showed a song called "narcohampón" which I love and leave you to hear it.

Finally, I commented that there is a campaign called "Free Tempo" which board signatures to release or reduce the sentence of Tempo.

Farewell, hope you like the song. Goodbye.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


My autobiography.

Hello, my name is Joel Salas Huanquil. I live in Santiago of Chile and more specifically I live in Quilicura, located to the north of the city.

I was born on July 30, 1991 in a small family, consisting in my mom, my dad and I. In this time we live in a poor village south west of the city and I studied in the center of Santiago in the basic school Salvador Sanfuentes, so I went to study in a school car which was delayed approximately two hours.

Everything went very well and we were a happy family and even more so when we knew that my mom was pregnant, I would have a little brother!But the things started to change, my parents separated and moved north of the city where I live now. From now on my family was composed by my brother, my mom and me.

I went out with good grades of primary and secondary education, and am currently pursuing a degree inpsychology at the University of Chile.

With regard to the tastes and interests I have, I can's mention that I like playing soccer, hanging out with my friends and spending time with my girlfriend.

That's all. Thank you.