Tuesday, April 17, 2012


My autobiography.

Hello, my name is Joel Salas Huanquil. I live in Santiago of Chile and more specifically I live in Quilicura, located to the north of the city.

I was born on July 30, 1991 in a small family, consisting in my mom, my dad and I. In this time we live in a poor village south west of the city and I studied in the center of Santiago in the basic school Salvador Sanfuentes, so I went to study in a school car which was delayed approximately two hours.

Everything went very well and we were a happy family and even more so when we knew that my mom was pregnant, I would have a little brother!But the things started to change, my parents separated and moved north of the city where I live now. From now on my family was composed by my brother, my mom and me.

I went out with good grades of primary and secondary education, and am currently pursuing a degree inpsychology at the University of Chile.

With regard to the tastes and interests I have, I can's mention that I like playing soccer, hanging out with my friends and spending time with my girlfriend.

That's all. Thank you.

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