Friday, April 27, 2012

Music is life!

One of the every pieces of technology that I like is the mp3. It's a portable music player, a very small thing that follows me everywhere and all the time, but, why I like so much this small device?

Well, to start, the music has always been a topic very important for me. The first music player that gave me was a "discman" in the year 2007, but it was big so I didn't use much. The gift was much better when I bought a mp3 in the year 2008, it was a small device that could keep anywhere and also could hear the best music everywhere!

Currently, I use my mp3 in all places but I use it more when I travel from home to university, I like go to sit on the bus while listen rap and think about the people of the world. Sometimes I use it all day, on the bus, in classrooms, streets, etc.. I love the music and therefore my mp3, I don´t know what I would do without my mp3, I think that life would lose it colour. 

To end, I can say that small device calling mp3 is the best invention of man and so my favourite piece of technology. I leave a picture on my blog to be seen.
See you soon, goodbye.


  1. I don't have MP3, because I'm poor :( jajajaja

    But, I don't mind, because I listen music in my mobile phone :)

    Nicole =)

  2. I don't have a mp3 because i don't listen to music to much, but I love your like for music, I think you'r very passionate and it's sexy. I think you'r adorable.

