Sunday, November 25, 2012


Discrimination is everywhere, but don't want to discriminate, I think we are always discriminating. It's completely bad from my point of view because it makes people feel bad because of some condition or any specific idea or belief that isn't going according to the canons of the society or of the ideas of the majority. For example, if I do not agree with democracy, people discriminate me because I will not vote; or if I am poor, I have a special and  predetermined place on the outskirts of the city where I can live in peace, I have a predetermined salary and I have a poor school that don´t will help me get into university, etc.

I think people discriminate because everybody feel insecure of how different we can be, also that at certain times there are specific groups who need to have power for discriminate other people.

I don´t know how not to discriminate against people because we are always discriminating in ways subtle or very notorious, when we have a prejudice of a person we are discriminating according to how we think he is and we differentiate that concept. The dangerous thing is to make these prejudices a form of domination and imposition of one group over another.

Although I don't know fix this problem I think that is necessary that all the people do our part and not frighten us over the other people because everyone is different and so we will not be mistreating people different from us, we must learn to live with that and respect each other.

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