Sunday, November 25, 2012

My future job

Today I’m going to talk about my future job or job that I would have when I get out of university.

Well, as I'm studying psychology, probably I will work in a field of my career and that's not bad because I really like psychology. I think that I will work in organizational field because is a very well paid job and has the following features.

Into the organizational field there are two areas for work; staff selection and human resource development. I like more the area of human resource development because here you work training people for the enterprise, isn't only for the benefit of the company because the person is the most benefited with training. You work helping people about their labor problems and teach them new strategies for personal development.

Today, this is the most profitable work and need many psychologists so why I think it isn’t difficult find work in this field. It will always be necessary to increase the profits of a company in this globalized world and therefore develop human resources.

In addition to the characteristics of work in the organizational area, I mentioned that in this field you make much money, which is important for the plans I have in my future. First, I would like to continue studying in the field to specialize in my second career and I wish I could give my family a good life, where I can satisfy them in any way necessary.

I hope you liked it.

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