Sunday, October 28, 2012

My best holiday

For me, holidays are the best time of year because I leave the university and I have a little break from everything they want there. I have a little break because of the two month vacation, usually work a month and a bit more and then rest for a couple of days. 

But those days are the best of the year, because I do nothing or go out to the beach or go south of Chile. My best vacation was in 2008 when I left the country and went to Brazil with my friends from church. The experience was great because I met other people, I met important places such as IguazĂș Falls, Argentina and Paraguay went through, seeing the landscape and knowing other cultures.

My worst holiday I don't know because the holidays are generally very good or just good, but still betterthan the year in general, so for me there isn't bad vacation.

This year I went on vacation to the south to see my mother's family and I want to do the holidays coming is to go to northern Chile because I don't know, so I'm very interested, but that I have money and work again.

Hopefully you don't have to work to go on vacation and enjoy every one of these days. Enjoy them as I do.

The first semester

The first half of this year was a little boring, with good and bad things. Today I will concentrate on the good things to tell my first semester.

In the career I'm studying, the first two years are introductory but this third year begin elective classes and you know the fields where you can work. This semester I learned from different areas, for example: educational psychology, occupational psychology, clinical psychology, etc. This I liked because we moved from theoretical to practical flat psychology.

Another thing I liked was the semester I obtained good marks in all classes and also most of the classes weren´t written tests but they did essays and group work, which I like to be studying for the written tests.

Well, and away from the academic field, in the field of love I was with some fights that almost did end my relationship with my girlfriend but that didn't happen. I still love us to stay together and not end!

That was my semester, some think it was very boring and others may find it entertaining, I just know that there were more things that maybe I forgot to spend the time on autopilot.


The Wisdom of Psychopaths by Kevin Dutton

A woman attends the funeral of his mother and she sees a man who loves, quickly she thinks this man is her soulmate but not get the phone number. A few days later she murders her sister. Why the woman killed her sister?

There are many answers for this case but a possible answer from a person with psychopathic characteristics, is saying that the woman killed her sister to see the man again she liked at the funeral of her mother.

Kevin Dutton writes in his book the characteristics of people with psychopathic traits and how these traits aren´t bad most of the time, but are present in many people, from big businessmen or lawyers to the worst criminals.

What Dutton explains is to be a good or bad psychopath depends of the social environment in which the person unfolds as being a psychopath isn't bad, the bad is being raised in a social environment dangerous and this take you by the antisocial way.

For me, the important thing about this article is that it shows the importance of the social environment in which we develop and that once it is equal for everyone, we can solve the problems of the poor, even the topic of psychopathy, which isn't own criminals or delinquents because is present in many people.

I hope you can also think about this item, for that I leave the link:


Saturday, October 6, 2012

My favourite movie

Well, today I’m going to talk about movies. Each person has their own tastes when we talk about movies, some like romantic movies, others like comedies, and others like the anime. I have seen many movies and different genres, I love watch movies!

If I had to choose the genre of movie that I like more, I choose the horror and scary movies. I've seen many films of this genre, some of them are: “Resident evil”, “The chainsaw of texas”, “Saw”, “The orphanage”, “Jeepers creepers”, “Nightmare on the Elm street”, “Paranormal activity”, etc. As I like horror movies, it's very hard for me choose one of them as the one I like but if I make the effort, I choose "The exorcist". 

"The exorcist" is an old movie without many special effects but the suspense that shows is very good. The first time I saw it, I was 10 years old, I was in the house of my aunt Lily with all my family around me, I saw in the night and I was very scared. I've seen it 3 or 4 times, including the latest version. Now I'm not so scared like the first time but it's still a great movie.

If you like horror films, "The Exorcist" is a film that you can't miss.