Sunday, October 28, 2012

The first semester

The first half of this year was a little boring, with good and bad things. Today I will concentrate on the good things to tell my first semester.

In the career I'm studying, the first two years are introductory but this third year begin elective classes and you know the fields where you can work. This semester I learned from different areas, for example: educational psychology, occupational psychology, clinical psychology, etc. This I liked because we moved from theoretical to practical flat psychology.

Another thing I liked was the semester I obtained good marks in all classes and also most of the classes weren´t written tests but they did essays and group work, which I like to be studying for the written tests.

Well, and away from the academic field, in the field of love I was with some fights that almost did end my relationship with my girlfriend but that didn't happen. I still love us to stay together and not end!

That was my semester, some think it was very boring and others may find it entertaining, I just know that there were more things that maybe I forgot to spend the time on autopilot.


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