Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Wisdom of Psychopaths by Kevin Dutton

A woman attends the funeral of his mother and she sees a man who loves, quickly she thinks this man is her soulmate but not get the phone number. A few days later she murders her sister. Why the woman killed her sister?

There are many answers for this case but a possible answer from a person with psychopathic characteristics, is saying that the woman killed her sister to see the man again she liked at the funeral of her mother.

Kevin Dutton writes in his book the characteristics of people with psychopathic traits and how these traits aren´t bad most of the time, but are present in many people, from big businessmen or lawyers to the worst criminals.

What Dutton explains is to be a good or bad psychopath depends of the social environment in which the person unfolds as being a psychopath isn't bad, the bad is being raised in a social environment dangerous and this take you by the antisocial way.

For me, the important thing about this article is that it shows the importance of the social environment in which we develop and that once it is equal for everyone, we can solve the problems of the poor, even the topic of psychopathy, which isn't own criminals or delinquents because is present in many people.

I hope you can also think about this item, for that I leave the link:


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