Saturday, October 6, 2012

My favourite movie

Well, today I’m going to talk about movies. Each person has their own tastes when we talk about movies, some like romantic movies, others like comedies, and others like the anime. I have seen many movies and different genres, I love watch movies!

If I had to choose the genre of movie that I like more, I choose the horror and scary movies. I've seen many films of this genre, some of them are: “Resident evil”, “The chainsaw of texas”, “Saw”, “The orphanage”, “Jeepers creepers”, “Nightmare on the Elm street”, “Paranormal activity”, etc. As I like horror movies, it's very hard for me choose one of them as the one I like but if I make the effort, I choose "The exorcist". 

"The exorcist" is an old movie without many special effects but the suspense that shows is very good. The first time I saw it, I was 10 years old, I was in the house of my aunt Lily with all my family around me, I saw in the night and I was very scared. I've seen it 3 or 4 times, including the latest version. Now I'm not so scared like the first time but it's still a great movie.

If you like horror films, "The Exorcist" is a film that you can't miss.

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